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MENTAL HEALTH - LET’S SPEAK UP - By Ishika Khandelwal


Sometimes, It’s okay to not to be okay. It’s okay to make mistakes. It’s okay to have a bad day. It’s okay to say no to requests from people. It’s okay to be less than the perfect. It’s okay to do what’s best for yourself. It’s okay to be yourself.

Hello each and every person out there, as we today live in a great hustle struggling in managing work, family and other things. Mental health has become quite is big concern and prime key in our everyday life. We all talk about mental health with our family, friends and close ones, but we make the mistake of not talking about their mental health. We all know what is mental health, why it is important as we live in the 21st- century world and in today’s life, it has become very important to keep yourself with trend but did we actually know what is mental health or do we actually apply it in our real lives. NO, because we all are struggling with our own stress and we all have forgotten the actual meaning of expression or talking in deep with somebody.

According to world health organization (2020), over 90 million Indians, or 7.5 % of the country’s population of 1.3 billion suffer from some kind of mental disorder but most of the people are not receiving any kind of professional help from a psychologist or a psychiatrist. WHY?

The most appropriate answer to this question is that we people of India and as a whole of world are not aware about mental health and we also did not care too much about mental health as we do with physical health because it did not affect us suddenly. Instead it grows inside us gradually and it can prove to be really harmful for the individual as compared to physical health.

Mental health does not only include your peace of mind but it includes physical, spiritual, social as well as emotional well-being which in turn create a person’s mental well-being. A mentally healthy person includes, a healthy mind, high quality of personal relationships, a sense of purpose in life, self-regard, assertiveness, resilience to stress, trauma and change.

Let’s move on to the topic which is most stigmatized and considered as an act of cowardness- SUICIDE

According to world Health Statistics 2019 published by WHO, presented that India’s suicide rate stood at 17.8 suicides per 1, 00,000 people in 2016, much higher than the global suicide rate of 10.5. According to the data, there were 2, 15,872 suicide in the country over the year. But, we as citizens of India hold a belief that we have a collectivistic culture in our society and there are no rigid boundaries between an individual and group as it exists in western culture. But, then why suicide rates are increasing year by year. The main reason is less of awareness and more of stigmatizing mental illness. A study was conducted in the last year in India which shows that more than half of the people who are sufferers of mental illness get stigmatized by the society and get repressed.

But, this is not the main problem in our society, the most prime problem occur when people such as psychologists, professionals, psychiatrists and counselors are also termed as crazy or mentally ill because they treat people who have mental illnesses. And, this is the main reason for lacking of mental health professionals, and ill-equipped emergency departments for mental illness.

Despite an overall cultural shift in our society towards compassion, our society still tends to view mentally ill and those with addiction as crazy and morally broken than normal ill as they do with physically ill.

However, despite all these loopholes and lack of awareness, our country is now moving towards the mental health but citizens are most prime unit to the country and to bring any change in the country, citizens must bring a change in themselves at their own individual level. So, how can we do it as a citizen, there are some ways by which we can make a change on our very individual levels:-

· Before spreading awareness in the society, aware yourself first because if you yourself do not know value of mental health you can’t explain to anybody.

· Start practicing some meditation or relaxation exercises in your home which will help to keep your mind at peace and body calm.

· And, most important thing a person can do is to consult a psychologist or express your emotions and problems to a professional instead of taking any further dangerous step which can affect your life in long-term and you can be a role model to all the sufferers out there in the society.

“What Mental Health Needs Is More Sunlight, More Candor, and More of Unashamed Conversations”.

Thank you.


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